Sunday, 20 Oct 2024

Teaching at Home: Top Tips and Tricks

Around 4 to 5 million US students in grades K-12 are homeschooled.

Some parents homeschool their kids voluntarily, while other parents are having to switch to homeschooling due to COVID-19 restrictions. At-home schooling can be challenging for both parents and students.

It can be difficult to create structure and order in your home, which can lead to frustration and can cause your child to fall behind. How can you keep track of your kid’s success while navigating the emotions that come with homeschooling?

Read on below to learn the top tips and tricks for teaching at home.

1.Set Up a Designated Learning Space

If you’ve ever worked from home, you know how important it is to separate your workspace from your home space. Creating a designated learning space will help you stay organized, and it’ll help your children stay focused.

This space should only be used for learning- once your children enter the learning space, they’ll know it’s time for school. You can use your home office as a learning space, or some other room in the house that doesn’t get a lot of use.

2.Stick to a Daily Routine

Homeschooling allows more flexibility and spontaneity. However, if you don’t have some structure, you’ll likely get distracted and fall off track.

Kids thrive with routine and structure, so we suggest you follow a daily schedule. We suggest creating a color-coded calendar that lays out everything happening in the week ahead.

Here’s what a sample schedule may look like:

  • 8-9 am: Wake up, eat breakfast, and get ready
  • 9-9:30: Math
  • 9:30-10:30: Language arts
  • 10:30-11: Reading
  • 11-11:30: Humanities
  • 11:30-12: Science
  • 12-1: Lunch
  • 1-:1:30: Computer skills
  • 1:30-2: Phys. Ed
  • 2-2:30: Music
  • 2:30-3: Reading or educational games

After you create a sample schedule, print it out and hang it somewhere your kids can see it. If your kids are old enough, don’t be afraid to give them some say in the schedule. For example, maybe they prefer doing math in the morning as opposed to the afternoon. In addition to creating a weekly schedule, we suggest setting a rough schedule for the year ahead.

Take Learning Outside of the Classroom

One of the best aspects of homeschooling is that it comes with the flexibility to learn outside the classroom. Kids get restless sitting at a desk all day, so we suggest incorporating learning opportunities that go beyond the textbook.

For example, you can:

  • Play board games
  • Go to the farmer’s market
  • Go to science museums
  • Practice baking or cooking
  • Do science projects
  • Start a garden
  • Write letters and stories
  • Use online resources (click here to discover the best online middle school math programs)

Making time for these opportunities will allow you to break up your schedule, and it’ll allow your child to learn new skills.

Teaching at Home: Are You Ready to Teach?

Now that you’ve read this guide on teaching at home, it’s time to implement these tips. While homeschooling comes with its drawbacks, many children excel in at-home learning environments.

For more educational news and resources, check back in with our blog.