Wednesday, 19 Mar 2025

About numbers 1 1000 in French

Numbers 1 1000 in French: Any non-native French individual learning the language will agree that a person of the trickiest things. It may be smooth sailing until you get to sixty-nine, but funny things begin to occur since they do not have a separate word for seventy, eighty, and even ninety. Even one of the most competent French audio speakers will relate to that all-too-familiar moment where you ice up as you take down a phone number or need to doodle out a couple of numbers because what you believed was sixty-something become 72.

With French, it isn’t nearly being proficient in the language. To get with these higher numbers, you also require to be efficient mental mathematics. Take 77 as an example, or rather, ‘sixty-ten-seven’ as if said in French, And it worsens. Ninety-nine translates to “four-twenty-ten-nine” or quatre-vingt-dix-neuf.

Numbers 1 1000 in French

Numbers are essential when connecting with other people, from telling a person exactly how old you are to discover how much something in a shop costs to even exchanging numbers with that adorable Frenchie you’ve been chatting with. French numbers aren’t relatively as simple as numbers in English; they need you to do a little mathematics to a particular degree.

But like any other sort of vocabulary, as soon as you’ve memorized and practised them, they will undoubtedly get more manageable.

Before we start, the good news is that this collection of numbers is similar: simply a word for each and everyone that you have to remember.

Numbers 1 1000 in French

Numbers in French 1-10

Attempt to be familiar with these French numbers by repeating them a couple of times each day until you have obtained them.

If you are among those who locate your Zen by counting to 10, why not attempt doing it in French next time?

4 quatre

1 un

3 trois

10 dix

0 zéro

9 neuf

2 deux

6 six

5 cinq

8 huit

7 sept

The numbers in French 11-20

Currently allow’s take points to the following degree: the teens.

The good news is that there is a French equivalent to the suffix “-teen” in English: the prefix dix-

13 – treize

17 – dix-sept

18 – dix-huit

11 – onze

15 – quinze

19 – dix-neuf

16 – seize

12 – douze

14 – quatorze

20 – vingt

Ordinal Numbers in French

Making Use Of Ordinal Numbers

During the well-known biking race, le Trip de France, how lucky you are! You and your pal Claire are enjoying the bicyclists finishing the sixth phase of the race.

‘ Manuel arrive deuxième!’ (obvious: duh-zee-em). Claire sees a Spanish bicyclist, Manuel, surface second.

‘ Et Laurent show up troisième!’ (pronounced: trwa-zee-em). Laurent, a French biker, finishes 3rd.

After a number of more bicyclists cross the goal, Claire states, ‘Ah non, Grégoire show up dixième!’ (pronounced: dee-zee-em). She’s so dissatisfied that Gregoire is tenth!

 For instance, ‘third’ is the number ‘three’ (trois) plus -ième, to develop the ordinal number troisième, or 3rd. We usually include ‘- th’ to the number to develop the ordinal number in English. As an example, we say ‘4th, 5th, sixth,’ and so on. However in French the ending is -ième, so we state, quatrième, cinquième, sixième.

Numbers 1 1000 in French

Other Kinds of Ordinal Numbers

There are a couple of exemptions, though!

The equivalent of ‘first’ in French leads for the masculine form and première for the feminine kind. It requires to agree with the gender of the noun it is modifying. If it is customizing a feminine word such as in ‘the first time,’ the expression would undoubtedly be la première fois (noticeable: pruh-mee-air), considering that fois is feminine.

Nonetheless, for other numbers such as 21, 31, 41, and 51, we do not make use of premier. Instead, these numbers comply with the regular pattern: vingt-et-unième.

The number nine, or neuf, go down the ‘f’ and changes it with a ‘v’: neuvième (noticable: nuh-vee-em).

The number five, cinq, adds a ‘u’ prior to the -ième: cinquième.

You might also listen to second (obvious: suh-gonde) in some scenarios rather than deuxième. For example, the expression for ‘in 2nd course’ on a train is en seconde.

Why are French numbers so different?

Based on the vigesimal system, which used the base 20, thus quatre-vingt-quatre (84 ). This is meant as they utilized their feet and their hands to count. Several think it ended up in French due to the impact of the Celts in France, whose languages use the base 20 system.

What is the number 14 in French?

Number French Punctuation Enunciation

14 quatorze Kah-tohrz

Why there is no word for 70 in French?

The French system was created regularly, i.e. with “septante” for 70, “octante” for 80 and also “nonante” for 90. Yet this system was not accepted at the time (about the 16th century) because it utilized individuals to the old technique (“quatre-vingt”, and so on).

How do you create French numbers in words?

French numbering rulesDigits as well as numbers from absolutely no to sixteen are specific words, particularly zéro [0], un 6 [6], sept [7], huit [8], neuf [9], dix [10], onze [11], douze [12], treize [13], quatorze [14], quinze [15], take [16]

Do French utilize AM and PM?

In France, you will usually listen to the twenty-four-hour clock, thus: Il est vingt heures. The truth is that, when there’s no risk of confusion between AM as well as PM, French individuals use both 12-hour and 24-hour clocks interchangeably: Il est Trois Heures et demie de l’après-midi.