Wednesday, 26 Mar 2025

Why Take a Defensive Driving Course? 5 Benefits to Consider

There’s a saying that it takes two people to cause an accident. And more often than not, it’s, unfortunately, the case.

Bad Weather, roadworks, other drivers on their smartphones, and engine failure all affect the way you drive. What’s important is that you’re fully prepared to respond to unexpected hazards when they do appear.

Make sure you’re equipped for challenges on the road by enrolling in a defensive driving course with an accredited provider. These quick courses allow you to learn more about driving safely, so you can keep yourself and your passengers out of harm’s way.

What’s Included in a Defensive Driving Course?

Defensive driving courses teach you skills and techniques to avoid problems on the road. They aim to give you the skills you need to make quick, safe judgments in response to unexpected hazards, so you can drive smarter and safer.

Defensive driving courses include instruction in:

  • Driving in difficult environments, like in a storm or heavy rain
  • Avoiding aggressive driving
  • Handling emergencies on the road
  • Substances and their influence on your driving ability
  • Predicting and avoiding hazards created by other drivers

The best courses will also recap traffic laws and procedures for your state. So they’re ideal for experienced drivers looking to refresh their driving knowledge.

Benefits of Taking a Defensive Driving Course

Training in defensive driving not only makes you safer on the road, but it can save you money too! Pretty neat if you ask us. Check out the top 5 benefits of signing onto a defensive driving course:

1.Save Money on Your Insurance Premiums

Many insurance providers offer incentives that can reduce your insurance premiums by as much as 10% when you complete a defensive driving course. In some states, this is even mandated by law! Meaning companies are legally required to offer a discount to defensive driving graduates.

For example, under Pennsylvania law, drivers over 55 are eligible for a 5% discount on their vehicle insurance if they complete a mature driver improvement course. And it’s valid for three years, meaning benefactors save on renewals too!

Such discounts result in considerable savings for many drivers, particularly teen and older drivers for whom premiums are at their absolute highest. Check with your insurance provider which courses qualify for discounts. In some states, it’s as simple as a 1-hour course online, while others require more depth.

2.Become a Safer Driver

Whether your drive your car 5 miles a day or 50, hazards are always present. But if you can anticipate those risks or spot them early on, you can minimize the risk to yourself and loved ones traveling with you.

Defensive driving courses teach drivers how to react to a variety of hazards safely. You’ll learn how to protect yourself from other drivers’ carelessness, poor visibility, and dangerous weather.

You’ll also learn techniques for managing your driving style. If you’ve ever found yourself accelerating faster than usual when you’re in a rush, you’ll know exactly how important this is.

Often our emotional state is the biggest risk to our safety on the roads. Understanding how feelings of panic, anger, and frustration affect your driving is a key step to becoming a safer driver.

Regardless of what type of driver you are, there’s always room for improvement. You can’t control what else happens on the road, but you can control how you react to it.

3.Refresh Your Driving Knowledge

Hands up if you passed your driving test and never opened the highway code again? Yep, that almost everyone then!

When you’ve been driving for a while, it’s easy to think experience alone will keep you safe. But in reality, experienced drivers are often out of touch with driving laws and regulations, which may have changed during their years on the road.

For example, did you know that an increase in speed of less than 1 mile an hour increases your risk of a crash involving injury by 3%! Or that overtaking another vehicle within 100ft or a tunnel or bridge dramatically increases your chances of being involved in an accident? Make sure you’re up to date with the latest advice by booking a course today.

4.Dismiss Driving Tickets

In many states, defensive driving courses can help you out if you’ve been charged with a traffic offense. For example, in Texas, drivers can usually have their tickets waivered if they complete a state-approved defensive driving course. Most can even be done online, so there’s no reason not to sign on!

Defensive driving courses are also available for motorcyclists and drivers who are charged with transporting children without a secure safety seat. By taking the course most relevant to your charge, you may well find that your ticket will be dismissed. If it’s a first offense, you’ll also be spared the notification on your driving record, which prevents your insurance premium from increasing.

5.Enhanced Personal Responsibility

While most driving courses have tangible benefits, like saving money on your insurance or helping you escape tickets, the biggest skill you’ll develop is a sense of personal responsibility.

On a defensive driving course, you’ll learn that you are the only one responsible for your safety on the road.

The benefits of this mindset will extend well beyond the course. Both on the road and off it, you’ll become adept at spotting potential hazards early on and avoid getting hurt.

Are Defensive Driving Courses Worth It?

Defensive driving courses have a whole host of benefits. Whether you’re looking to save on your insurance, escape a driving ticket, or simply improve your awareness on the road, taking a defensive driving course will only leave you better off in the long run.

Make sure you check out the rest of our blog if this post has helped answer your questions on defensive driving.